Sunday, December 13, 2009

Preparing a Place

I had a great conversation with my daughter over dinner this evening and I needed to write it down somewhere.

David had gone to help with the youth at church so it was just the girls for dinner. Mia sat eating, seemingly consentrating only on the mac and cheese in front of her when suddenly she said, "Mommy, God is making me a castle." I was a little surprised by her comment and simply asked, "Who told you that?" She replied, "Jesus".

I went on to tell her that the bible says that if we love Jesus and we follow him and trust him that God really is making a place for us in heaven that could be like a castle. I said that God was making one for Mommy and for Daddy and when she trusted Jesus and understood and believed that he died on the cross for her that God would make one for her too.

I realized later that she may actually be confusing God and Santa...she had asked Santa for a princess castle for Christmas, Santa makes toys--so Santa is making her a castle. But despite that, it provided a means for me to share the gospel with my two year old daughter and we'll work on clearning up the Santa/God confusion.