Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Just like Mommy

The dress that I wore when I was a baby finally fits Mia. She looks so much like me in this picture. I often forget that I was this small and someday Mia will be as old as I am now. Realizing this reminds me that I need to trust God so much...I am responsible to make this little child what she will someday be as an adult. I pray that I will raise her to love God and live her life to please Him only.


Patty said...

Hey there beautiful Baby Mia. Krista, she looks so cute in that dress, even if it is really old. :) I read the entry at work and cried when I read it. Granny and Bippy were down here and she read it and cried while she was reading it to Bippy. Thanks so much for taking that picture and sharing it with us. I love you so much.

Jen M. said...

Hey Krista I just found your website and wanted to say hello. Thats a really cute pic of Mia. See ya tonight!