Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Wheww...Mia and I just made it back yesterday afternoon from a busy, exciting, fun and crazy time with the family in Ohio. We went on Saturday to surprise my mom for her 50th birthday. She was so excited to see her little Mia (and Mia's mommy and daddy too). David had to come back on Monday for work and class but Mia and I were able to stay til Wednesday so that we could participate in all the festivities of Halloween. We had such a fun visit with everyone...we were both very sad to leave.

On Tuesday, Mia dressed up and went Trick-or-Treating with her cousin, Bryce...I mean, Scarecrow. (While in costume, he insisted on being called "Scarecrow" and Mia was "Baby Butterfly") She had so much fun. She laughed at all the kids walking by and kept her eye on Bryce. She had a continuous smile on her face until we made it back to Jayme and Josh's house where she crashed and slept for an hour or so. Mia's first Halloween was better than I even imagined it would be. She stayed pretty happy (except for the extreme breakdown she had when we visited Josh's office, but we don't like to talk about that). And she looked so adorable in her butterfly costume.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Thanks for the update. Even though I was there, I love hearing about the visit from your perspective. That is the cutest butterfly I've ever seen. Thanks for allowing her to share Halloween with us. We loved having you here!!!!