Saturday, August 18, 2007


Mia had a great time with her cousin, Bryce, when he and Nana and Aunt Jayme came to visit on Thursday and Friday. The first time he met her he wasn't so sure about what to think about her. The hospital was scary, he was worried about his Aunt Kiki and everyone was talking to him all at once. But when he got to come back after having some to think about how much he loved her he was able to feel really comfortable around her.

Bryce spent the two days watching, kissing and playing with Mia. When she was gone from his sight for a little while he started asking, "Where did baby Mia go?" and when she would cry he wanted to make sure she was okay. And Mia loved watching Bryce and she especially loved when he held her. They are such a cute will be fun to see them grow up together.


Patty said...

I would venture to guess that those two are the cutest little people I've ever seen. And, I'm not at all partial! Give Mia a kiss for me. I miss her already.

Jayme G said...

He does love his cousin! He has loved telling people about her since we got home! She has sparked a love of babies in him! We sure do miss her, can't wait to see her again. Love you both!!!