Monday, July 2, 2007

Baby shower

After this weekend I feel so exhausted...but there is no way I would have taken time to rest and miss out on all the fun. The ladies of 3rd Avenue Baptist Church threw a shower for Maleigha and I on Saturday night and my mom, sister and nephew came to be there for it. I was so excited to see how much my nephew had changed in the last couple of weeks. He is almost completely potty trained, he can work big kid puzzles and he talks so much more. I just can't believe how much he has grown up! It was fun having my mom and sister here too--to talk about Maleigha and get things ready for her...and to go shopping too, of course...I loved seeing how excited they are for the baby to arrive. I am so thankful for all that my mom and sister have done as I prepare for the birth of little Maleigha. I wish I could do more to repay them.

The shower was so encouraging. I couldn't believe how many people came and how generous they all were. I was so humbled by their giving and their excitement about the upcoming birth of our child. It was so uplifting to hear such godly women pray for me and to receive advice from mothers that I admire so much. There wasn't a thing I would have changed about the whole evening...except for maybe all the sweets I ate. But anyway, I have kept pretty busy the last couple of days with putting away all of Maleigha's new clothes and finding places for all the gear that she requires.

I just praise the Lord for the generosity of friends and family because we could not do this without all of them. Their prayers have been so valuable and their willingness to give has left me feeling that I have so much more to learn about helping other people.

1 comment:

Patty said...

As soon as she arrives, we'll get her started shopping too, o.k.? I can't wait to meet that precious little baby. Thanks for sharing your special time with the ladies at 3ABC with us. Love ya'